True or False game

precocious said:
true...I like a lot of Asian foods

The next person prefers salty to sweet...

sure it's just the food preco?? :o


TNP is in love with dehawk
only true if Dehawk were to be the one, False for me...everyone knows......about my Squid Man :o

the next person doesn't edit quite quick enough LOL
I try but if I don't I know preco will catch it

TNP passed english
uhhh...true :) :theyareon

The next person.....can't hammer a nail in the wall

tnp has broken a finger hammering a nail into the wall

the next person doesn't know how to use a hammer
False- I do know how, but I'm not really good

The next person does not have a dishwasher

tnp should be working but is loafing on the internet
true, just lefty and house is over 100 years old

TNP uses a bag to pick up their dogs poo
true-when it actually gets done

the next person has a lot of clutter in their house
true with all the kids there is always extra stuff coming in that never finds a home fast enough

tnp needs a haircut
not yet

TNP needs an oil change (for the car)

TNP is sick of hearing everyone compain about the war