True or False game

False...Friday kid shuffling on the agenda

The next person wishes they could sleep in.....
false...I wish

TNP drinks coffee every morning
true...2 limit :rolleyes:

The next person doesn't have 'breakfast' at until 11:30 am....
False~don't eat breakfast

TNP 'owns' their own house.

TNP thinks the "4 word story game" is a complete failure...(i do) can be amusing at times....not every game is for every person

The next person..."lives and let lives"
False,(does anybody?)

TNP looks at every new post
true - don't reply to every one though

TNP enjoys playing all these spoofee games
False. I'm just here to mod. ;)

TNP dislikes excercise.
True, lazy is the new active :claps:

TNP has gone on a cruise before
True & would love to go on another one

TNP has never been to a planetarium(sp?)
false. went when i was in elementary school

tnp often forgets to put on sunscreen
True, I walk around holding an umbrella blocking the sun :claps:

TNP is a vegetarian
false. ew. actually i like gardenburgers though. but given the choice, bbq me some brats or some steak!!

tnp doesn't like beer
True, gotta have my vitamins

TNP starts their vacation from work next week
False...(the wk of the 4th of July)

TNP likes chocolate ice cream:tongue:
True...I like it but it's not my first choice

The next person straightens their hair