True or False game

false..bout to go swimming

The next person does not have Choochoojr as a screenname
True. Thank goodness.

TNP doesn't have callmeCrazyButt as a user name. :confused:
Wait...what? lol FALSE

The next person wishes they were more like me lol

TNP wished they had the word Butt in their name
false - as long as he isn't mean:eek:

TNP ownes a cat pussy footing around here :o

The next person...ocassionally makes a typo...:o
Yea, i do

TNP NEVER makes a mistake ;)
True~I'm perfect ;)

TNP is playing Crazy Butt's game?

The next person....pushes back when pushed

TNP has had their butt kicked at some point
True...but lived to tell about it and now bides my time....;)

The next person is patient when necessary but uneccessarily flies off the handle...
Very True

TNP always looks both ways before crossing a street
Absolutely true

The next person sometimes 'feels things' before they happen....:theyareon
False............... but I see dead people :eek:

TNP is psychic
Wouldn't exactly call it that.....:o...but it's weird...

The next person talks with dead people
False...I may think about some dead people but I don't talk to them.

TNP loves Japanese food.
true...I like a lot of Asian foods

The next person prefers salty to sweet...

The next person likes hotdogs better than hamburgers
True...a real hotdog from a hotdog vendor (with kraut & mustard) beats McD or B King anyday!

The next person....snacks while watching tv...