True or False game


TNP is already finished up Christmas shopping?
hmmmm. i

TNP has to clean house real soon
True, and I'm not looking forward to it.

TNP needs to go grocery shopping tomorrow.
False, I went yesterday and will finish up today! I HATE grocery shopping!

TNP needs some car repairs done on their car.
better be False, brand new car.

TNP is on the phone and the computer....
True - We need light. (It's a complete sentence...)

TNP has given out as much rep as they can today.
Whoops....TRUE!!!! :theyareon:theyareon

TNP still has to clean up their supper dishes/kitchen.
How did you know that????

TNP has pesky animals vying for their attention right now!???

TNP keeps thinking they should go to bed early.
True, the t.v. is on in the background.

TNP is going out of town for Thanksgiving. :driver:
Nope - T-day is my favorite Holiday! All my favorite food, none of the guilt, spending time w/ loved ones AND no expectations of expensive gifts :claps:

TNP loves to watch "Frosty the Snowman" like I do! :teeth: