True or False game

False I used to but once my daughter started getting into it I tossed it.

TNP is eating lasagna for lunch.
false (tuna)

TNP is having a beautiful fall day.......
False, for some reason, I don't get colds.

TNP still needs to get their flu shot.

TNP missed changing one of the clocks for daylight savings time.
False I watch little on the tv

TNP has that HDTV box thing already hooked up!! (mine is in the box! LOL)
False, I have Time Warner Cable. :)

TNP is ready for the election to be over. :34:
Oh gawd yeah, TRUE!! So very TRUE!!

TNP has off from work tomorrow because of the elections.
Nope, but living in New "Election Headquarters" freakin' Hampshire, (the first in the Nation, God help us!!!!!!!!!!) I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ready for all of this to be over. I absolutely HATE living in Manchester every 4 years - I mean, you can't even go to the bathroom without some dingaling sticking a mic in your face and asking you the most idiotic questions, like "Who are you gonna vote for 20 months from now?" ARUGH!!!!

At any rate.....
TNP is going to a rally to support their candidate tomorrow night...
FALSE, I'll be in my warm little bed, and hopefully under the influence of some good pain meds, LOL

TNP drives a fuel efficient car
blaaaaaaahaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa, I have 2 doors to squeeze my big butt through, LOL

TNP wants to go to bed.
my throat hurts, no snacks, I am on the strep diet

TNP is enjoying a bag of Hershey's Bliss that they got for free

TNP is thinking about a winter vacation.:hmm: