So What's The Deal????? **another game**

I dont drink anymore.

have you ever used the hanicap stall at a store/resturant even if others were open?
yeah, I like having a lot of room....

Do you prefer to dry your hands with paper towels or the blow dryer thing?
Towels. Sometimes I just run my hands through my hair.. Serves dual purpose.

Do you wash your hands every time you potty?
Yes, my mama taught me well!

Do you like to go to shoe stores that get the shoes and put them on your feet?
No, I like to go in there and find em & try them on by myself.

have you ever went to a drive in diner and had a car hop serve you?
Yes..We love to go to Sonics!!

Do you have a "Sonics" in your area?..They serve you in roller skates!!
Apple Cake - from scratch! :druel:

What is the biggest number of people you have cooked dinner for?
We had an extremely large party once, so I'd say 300....but the usual large number is about 100 or so. And the usual gathering is about 40.

Do you do all the cooking at large functions?
for hubby's family gatherings i do. my mother is the matriarch for my side of the family, but i've been given the role for hubby's side.

do you like camping (and no, i don't mean in an RV)?
Woot! Yes! Love it! :D

When was the last time you went camping? (the real camping....not sissy camping)
Wow, a long time ago - probably 15 years or so......we have a lot of bonfires though....

Do you burn your marshmallows to a crisp over the campfire before eating them?
Nope....perfect golden brown is my way of marshmallow roasting.

What do you use for roasting marshmallows? (sticks. pole....?)
I eat some of it-- I really like the skin though!

What's your favorite way to eat potatoes (french fries, baked, etc.)?
Fried with Vegtable oil in a big Iron skillet...Oh Yeah!!!

How many times a week do you eat any style of potatos?
i eat potato chips a lot so like 3

do you have a metro card?