So What's The Deal????? **another game**

Yes. Never know when they will come in handy.

Do you eat leftovers? (I can't believe how many people throw them away.)
I sure do!!!

My kids start spring break this week..Has yours started theirs yet?
Yep mine start this week too.

Are you going out of town or staying home this week?
We'll be staying home, but we'll be busy!

Are you planning to go to the beach at all this year?
Presently looking for one. But loved my last job.

Do you work days?
I am a stay-at-home mom and I have plenty of work to do during the day!!

What did you do at your last job?..I used to work in medical collections.
Medical Records

Are you upset that the post office is raising the price of stamps?
No, but I guess I would be if I had to mail checks out every month..We just pay by automatic bank draft..

Do you send out a lot of mail?
No, hardly anything at all via USPS.

Do you still have stamps left from when the price was raised last?
Yes....a few from before then too. :o

Do you even know what the price of stamps are?
*I have no clue....they usually give me a book of first class...doesn't say how much and I didn't figure it out myself.*
I think it is 41 cents.

Do you think the Forever Stamp is a good idea?
Actually the price of a stamp is 39 cents. Yes, I would like the forever stamp. I would buy a whole lot of them and then hold them until the price is beyond the 3 cents increase they plan to use for the "forever stamp."

Do you use your home phone as much as you did when you were a teenager/younger?
No way! I only use the phone pretty much when I have to now.

Do you think talking on a cell phone while driving should be illegal? They are trying to pass that law right now here in Washington.
well, kinda. if its a short 1 minute call no,but if thiey are doing serious business than yes.

do you think tanning beds are bad.