So What's The Deal????? **another game**

I am currently having a bit of white wine. Before that...big bottle of water.

Where will you be going the next time you go out to eat?
(hopefully) a little romantic place called Caroline's - it sits on the gulf - beautiful at sunset

Do you order appeitizers?
Yes, and I LOVE it. There are many different types. BTW, sushi does not automatically mean raw fish. There are cooked varieties and vegetarian too. If you order sashimi you will, however, get a plate of raw sliced fish with no rice.

What is your favorite type of sushi?
Futomaki or shrimp rolls w/ lots of wasabi :druel:

Have you ever tried octopus?
no and probably never will

Have you ever had food poisoning? (I did the first and only time I ate sushi:()

the next person is going to continue making the next person statement
Whoops, certainly not. I was following Blue, it's her fault. :tongue:

Do you drink energy drinks ( not coffee) and if so care to tell me what kind are good? *I think my body got used to the kind I was drinking before, it no longer has the same effect on me*
We drink Rip It. I like it because it is crisp tasting and has 100% dv of folic acid. ;)

* Hubby LOVES sushi and wasabi. I dont like it, but I have had octopus - not bad but chewy. And I have only thrown up 3 times in my life ( not including baby spit up) *

TNP likes to go fishing
Lol look what I did. Look what thread you're in. :doh:
I used to fish, but haven't in a LONG time.
What kind of fish do you like to eat?

*Rip-it is what I drink, but it doesn't do it for me anymore*
:eek: They dont strike me as the cuddly type of pet - how would you play with it?

Do you have pets?
only 2 turtles- Willy and Charlie

*butty, you can NOT blame this one on me- I did it right this time!:)*

do you like nerds (the candy)? (I'm eating a few now)
mostly during the holiday season (halloween thru valentines dayLOL)

*to quote you butty, s'ok*

What are you wearing?;) (why do I always ask this question?)
lol :o Yoga pants and a t-shirt

What are YOU wearing?
*I'm a copy cat...LOL*
lol yoga pants and a long sleeve t-shirt:)

Are you wearing socks?
Mine are light blue, but I have red!

Do you like your license picture?