So What's The Deal????? **another game**

Ummm.... I think so. (we just moved here)
I know there is a fish market!!!!!

Do you eat lots of fruits and veggies?
try to...we always have lots of grapes and bananas around

Do you eat lot of veggies?
No, they could be better

Do you plan on cooking tonight?
I would starve to death if it weren't for leftovers

Did you have trouble getting on spoofee earlier?
Yes! It was horrible :faint:

how many hours on you on the net a day?
too many lately -work is dead and theres nothing else to do

do you go on the internet daily
yup-every day

Is this the first site you usually go to when you get on the internet?
No, usually yahoo to check my mail but this is always right after that!

Do you tell your friends about spoofee?
yes, they make fun of me for being a "bargain" lady :tongue:

What is your favorite magazine to read?
Republican-very conservative.....

Are you going to vote in the upcoming elections?
I am not - we just moved here and we didnt get registered in time.
( I also dont think I am prepared on the issues enough vs the people that lived here a long time - what if my vote decided it ?)

Do you have a loved one in the military?
yes, my best friend was stationed in Iraq for a year and now she is in Afganistan, which has proven to be worse than Iraq!

was is a life-long dream you have yet to accomplish?
visiting Africa (and going on a safari while I'm there)

What is one thing you are very proud of yourself for accomplishing?
Get done w/ school (almost there)

I like that question so:

What is your next short term goal?
same as yours, butty!- actually getting a high A this semester too- my teacher's tough- also, lose a few pounds, but that'll have to wait until after Christmas probably:)

What was the last thing you drank today?