4 word story game

precocious said:
alfter slathering them with

{what's alfter and why doesn't this make sense? Put your bifocals back on grandma! ;) }
Big Daddy said:
{what's alfter and why doesn't this make sense? Put your bifocals back on grandma! ;) }
~~For your info.....I responded to the above post, someone else responded to at the same time before me, I adjusted my response to make sense, then they must've deleted their post after I changed mine....hence the typo and not making sense.~~
**For someone who whines so much and yells at being corrected, you're right on the band wagon there too.....hypocrit....:o****:claps:
precocious said:
~~For your info.....
blah blah blah

first of all, it's hypocrite... secondly, i'm gonna call you both typo-crites

now onto the game:

while BD cleaned himself
clubchick said:
first of all, it's hypocrite...

now onto the game:

~~You know I did wonder about that and the Spoofee spellcheck didn't pick it up :confused: ~~

mediocre excuse for a