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  • :note: Joyce is here, she's here again. She's the freebie guru and everybody's friend! :note:
    :dancing: :marshmallow:
    I will certainly kiss my babies for you! I have had a sad day - the most awesome mug in the whole world that I ordered from ebay came several pieces. :verysad:
    Hey Joyce! Thanks for all the deals! I think the postman is gonna miss all the kisses I've been bribing him with for the last week! :) Anyway, I think they carry the febreeze litter systen at Petsmart --- I'll go and get mine tomorrow! Unfortunately I can't redeem those Ice Cream coupons, because there are no stores in our area, so I hope you don't mind if I post them in the community forum so that someone else can get them before they expire next monday :) thanks again, sweetie!
    Hugs! Lisa
    im so over ANTM!!! i mean it gets good wen they start weedin the gurls out u kno? ANyway thanks Joyce!!! it really means a lot 2 me!!!! 90210 was good, at least 2 me it was, im hooked all ready, .im sittin here email myself a reminder about that done Smashbox cosmetics giveaway at noon 2morrow, lol Boy r we a wierd group of gals or wat? im start tryin at like 1145!
    i did get the awards!! LOL i never miss skool so im so over the perfect attendance ones, lol But student of the MOD!! well, im impressed!!! haha!! n vain!! u kno it!!! Did u watch 90210? LOL I did n i love it!!! i have missed the hills tho =(
    im goin 2 bed n a few but wanted to say hi!! i got 2 awards at skool this week, !!! Student of the Mod ( its like best student) n perfect attendance!!!!!!!
    Hi Joyce!! Hope you had a great BDay AND LAbor day. Are you glad to have the munchkins back in school?
    Joyce I signed you up for the Green Works Dishwashing Liquid Sampling! - Mom Central 1st 200. Just to let you know! LOL
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