Girl, I can still rock the kitchen ok? lol On the occasions that I like to cook, I love to experiment with marinades and spices so it is all good! I think I took a Super Wife/Mama pill yesterday because I cleaned the kitchen while I was cooking - I even mopped when I was done! Wow, I MUST be ill!
Let's take it one child in school at a time ok? Lord woman what are you trying to do to me?
Yeah, I know it will be here before I know it. And then there will be girls! :faint: Kadin already has "girl - friends" at school.
Let me brag about my baby Kadin and how sweet he is. Long story short I have a super duper complex about fingers in doors and such from 2 very bad experiences. We have starting using the diaper genie for Kesler's "presents" and I put one in there the other day and just as I slammed the top down - Kadin put his finger in there! The thing was completely shut! He had this look on his face like "Oh my God my finger is stuck!" So I yelled "Kadin!" and pryed open the lid which was so tight. He wasnt crying or bleeding or anything (hubby said it couldnt have really hurt bc it is plastic). So I ask him if he is ok and looking at his hand and I start crying - no sobbing - and shaking. Kadin starts comforting me! "Mama are you ok? Mama stop crying. It's ok Mama..." I told him just to let me hold him and he said, "I want to hold you Mama" I am tearing up just typing this!