True or False game

True. My neighborhood has a great pool and clubhouse. FYI not a foofy clubhouse.

TNP likes playing golf (not miniature).
False- my husband plays too much though!

tnp has an expensive hobby (like golf!)
false - I really don't have any hoobies in particular I like to do everything. Unless chatting online counts- then yes it is, i'm using electricity lol

TNP has more then 20 frineds that they see regularly
False- I don't see a lot of my good friends regularly

TNP is a very social person and goes out often
True very social but haven't been out in a few weeks

The next person goes out every weekend
False I have a few good friends and my sister is my best friend.

TNP has a sibling they are close too.
My youngest brother. He was the one that was picked on by my other 2 brothers. I was his defender.

The next person is the youngest sibling
Yes and no....there are quite a few years between me and younger I did grow up the youngest, but I'm not really the youngest :confused:

The next person has more brothers than sisters...
True 3 Brothers, 0 Sisters. (lucky me!)

TNP is an only child.
False (2 bros and 1 sis)-my son might end up being an only child though

TNP hasn't made their bed yet today
True. There's a little 9 month old boy still sleeping in it.

TNP hasn't eaten breakfast yet.
True- just drank grape juice though

tnp has had a cup of coffee
true...waiting for the church goers to come home and make me some breakfast!

The next person doesn't formally worship like they're 'supposed to'. :rolleyes:
False- I'll be going to church in a little while

TNP goes out to eat on Sunday
False I actually want to start having people over for breakfast every Sunday!

The next person is having company over today
not formally, but my brother and bro-in law were here for a little while

tnp likes to host get togethers
I don't hate it, but I'd rather not. It usually ends up being me hosting for family things though because I live in a central location.

tnp always goes to the family reunions
False the last one was in May and all the way in West Virginia. PLus it was my daughter birthday!

The next person hasn't had a family reunion in a long time