True or False game


TNP likes the new 90210!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
False. Haven't seen it. I don't need another show to be addicted to.

The next person spends more time online than they do watching t.v.
idk.LOL, i like it.FALSE i gues, LOL Sorry............

TNP loves coffee:coffee:
I love coffee!
TNP is lactose intolerable! (you know what I'm talking about!) LOL
wat? intolerable means i can take it right, LOL so true!!!

TNP is lactose intolerant!!! LOL
False, but I love burgers! :hungry:

TNP is likes to do crafts?
False...kinda. It's overcast. No rain yet.

The next person lives near a beach
False! But I had sum earlier 2day!!! LOL

TNP is drinking coffee :coffee: