True or False game

True! :love:

TNP doesn't have to work on the Friday after the 4th of July. :bigok:
True, I don't work Friday, but I do work on Saturday :(

TNP is planning on having company over for the holiday.
True, some family members are coming over.

TNP doesn't have anything planned for the holiday.
false, We have a few invites.

TNP is going to miss me, because I have to get my butt in the shower:bath:
It's been 3 1/2 your butt clean? :)

TNP wants to snatch a book of matches out of a kids hand under the age of 10 shooting off firecrackers?!?!?!?!
Sure....why stop at the little kids though? Why not take the lighter away from the brother who trys to deafen you. LOL

The next person will light of some sort of fireworks this weekend
True! :lock: :marshmallow: We love fireworks!

TNP is afraid of fireworks. :eek:
False - Just lighting them.

TNP is getting ready for company tomorrow.
Nope. Just gonna be alone.

TNP is going to watch fireworks tomorrow.
True, we are shooting them. :claps:

TNP has a fireworks stand near their home.
false (If they did, they aren't good ones. People here go to Ohio for good ones.)

TNP is wondering how they are going to get everthing done tonight, because they are still on the computer.
False, but I should be worried! LOL

TNP is going to spend a relaxing day tomorrow doing nothing! :)
I wish, False

TNP can hear fireworks outside right now.

TNP is still wanting to take a book of

TNP loves the summer weather.
Hey Bleaux! :wave:

True, when it's not too hot & muggy. :)

TNP likes Winter better than Summer. :snow:

TNP is so happy to have more people to play with.
True. I usually need adult supervision anyway.

TNP has their mother-in-law at the house right now. (anyone have a spare room I could use for a few days?)

Hi Joyce. :wave:

TNP is wondering how are they are going to get out of going somewhere.
So True!

TNP is thinking how nice a nap would be right now.