True or False game

False, but I got one from a survey yesterday. :claps:

TNP is going to buy fireworks for the 4th of July.

TNP is starting to believe that the crazies are taking over?
True!! --or so they say...:confused: LOL

TNP had ice cream today. :like:
True! Unfortunately!! Never-ending thing!

TNP went out to dinner tonight.....
False, I made dinner tonight. :bigok:

TNP doesn't cook on the weekends.
Totally True--IF I can help it!!

TNP has big plans for tomorrow--& if so, what? Cause I have nada planned......
True, I received the Star magazine in the mail today.

TNP doesn't read tabloids.
False--I LOVE Star mag too!

TNP is having a late night snack.....
False, but I'm headed to get the cashews now. :)

TNP is going shopping tomorrow.
mmm, cashews sound good...

Hopefully true--I would like to get by the VS Semi-Annual sale...;)

TNP can't live without the TIVO/DVR.
True. I am on my husband's Mac. I have my own Dell PC that I use for work. :typing:

TNP works full-time. :mmph: