True or False game

LiveSquid said:
True. Well, false, but I dont care as much as I do about NOLA. I actually find myself thinking, "Gee, how terrible, 2000 people had to leave their homes.. Try 200,000 who cant come back.

Actually over 200,000 had to leave their homes here and who knows if they will be able to come back, plus many died as well.
False. (it's very rare)

TNP sings in the shower.
False the only muscles I have are in my legs

The next person thinks they can beat people up
True. As long as they're under the age of 8. :tongue: :clown:

TNP can't wait for tonight.
Yep, gonna be a great night... ;) :tongue:

TNP likes eating cold cereal for breakfast
True, except for an occasional Pop Tart. :tongue:

TNP is going out to dinner tonight.
false. i can't wear 'em cuz the battery always dies within a day or two

tnp uses all the minutes on his/her cell phone each month
False, not even close

TNP has worked outside today
False - Tuesdays and Saturdays

TNP has a farmers tan
That'd be true. I grow tomatoes, bell peppers, cayenne peppers, strawberries, potatoes, eggplants, squash, and herbs (pineapple sage, mint, dill, fennel, and rosemary) I just harvested potatoes two days ago!

TNP thinks theyre sexy.
False....I know it LOL

The next person would like LiveSquid (no space) to cook up some of his harvest for them ;)