True or False game

False, went to work wearing white....

TNP drives a mini van
TNP is laughing at me for admitting that!!! :rofl:
False...I would never never laugh at you! Chuckle maybe, grin maybe, laugh never! LOL

TNP has to pit stop by the store for groceries today.
False Surprise of all surprises, my husband did it yesterday!

TNP has today off!
Could be true or false. False because I am not employed or true cause I am a full time student on summer break :) .

TNP was surprised that Chris Benoit committed suicide and murdered his wife and son.
true- never heard of him but cant believe a person could kill a child

tnp is listening to the radio
True! I am lsitening to Sirius satellite!
TNP is planning to eat out tonight.
False..well sort of...I'm ordering in. :)

TNP doesn't trust fast food restaurants.
True. Who knows what I'm eating! I can be eating a rat burger.

TNP logs on spoofee daily.
False (BTW, Chicken nugget is still spoiled!)
TNP is taking vacation next week.
Kinda true! (Leaving on the seventh for two weeks to Equador to work!!)

TNP is hosting a Fourth of July get together!
False. I don't even know what am I doing on that day!

TNP is in summer school.