True or False game

TNP keeps a roll of TP in their car (commonly called a 'happy roll')
False-never thought of it....

tnp has been sick recently (I threw up all night last night:()
Nope, ss to hear that though, blue :hug:

The next person hasn't thrown up in at least a year.

TNP remembered to get their flu shot?

Get yourself better soon Bluesky! Ginger ale, soups and soft foods, and, crackers for a day or two!
True - Always get it for the ambulance

TNP has been to the doctor for a health physical in the last year.

tnp doesn't go to the doctor regularly

thanks butty and rags- I'm feeling a little better- we have the Norovirus-cruise ship sickness- going around in our area- it's really bad. BTW, is this going around everywhere or just here?

tnp doesn't go to the doctor regularly

thanks butty and rags- I'm feeling a little better- we have the Norovirus-cruise ship sickness- going around in our area- it's really bad. BTW, is this going around everywhere or just here?

False I am good about medical check ups

Oh shucks Bluesky, sure hope you and yours feel better soon. We have the typical gastric bugs and upper respiratory stuff floating about. However, last month for some unknown reason we had an outbreak of STAPH infections!

TNP has a well stocked medicine cupboard :wave:
True ...kinda, but we try not to use any of it

The next person uses Pepto Bismol
True, cause i dont got a 4x4.......

TNP brags a lot about their stuff......
True (Heading out on a mini vacation before the puppy gets here! :) )

TNP will work on their Income Tax this weekend?