True or False game

False I try to keep it clean *I use the word "try" loosely lol*

The next person is a neat freak

The next person is glad that it is not 9 degrees Fahrenheit at their location. (It is that cold here now!) *shivers*
True - Good God Spaz where are you? North Pole?

tnp might go to the beach this weekend... ;)
Are you inviting us? beach...we're going to get Spaz's storm tomorrow..:(

The next person had 60+ weather today...
True, 270.93 Kelvin (you didn't specify a unit -- I'm white and nerdy) LOL

TNP wears long johns to bed.
false- its florida you wear as little as possible

tnp is ecstatic its friday (yea!)
True.. But thats because I took some X. lol j/k.. My weekend starts today (no work) and I am going house hunting. I have 14 to drive past. So Im pretty stoked aboot that.

TNP Has family staying with them for the holiday.
Not that I know of....but you never know....:confused:

The next person is very distracted lately
False - I am more focused than usual - so much to do.

tnp doesnt drink coffee

tnp got one of those free senseo's
False :rant: And I am not happy about it. I signed up several times for it....

tnp has been kissed under a mistletoe :kiss:
True, but it's been a long time

tnp has an unusual first name
false - it's uncommon but not unusual

tnp is going to the movies this weekend
I did not go this weekend.

tnp watched a movie at home this weekend
True...been getting over one for 2 weeks now!

The next person is missing they're gallbladder? (I know, strange question!)
Why yes I do...all four of them! :teeth:

The next person did not wear braces....