True or False game

True I crack my back over the backs of the chairs at school

The next person snaps their gum
false, i dont chew gum very often, and i never really figured out how to snap gum really loud

the next person has a chainsaw
false, i retired because i could no longer afford the insurance to insure my vocal cords

the next person has an avatar with a broom 4 feet up their arse
no, but something close, pasta

the next person likes eating wild mushrooms
From the yard? Heck yeah! :tongue:

The neck person enjoys a knuckle sandwhich every now and then
whats that, like pig knuckle sandwich? i dont think i ever had that, must be a midwest thing

the next person enjoys a peanut butter and honey sandwich (allowing for some of the honey to soak into the bread a bit to allow the bread to get some texture)
False haven't had one in a long time

The next person can't eat anything sweet in the morning
i can, but i dont, i dont eat that first meal

the next person has flown a plane

the next person has swam with dolphins

the next person has plugged up their toilet this week
False , I know the limitations

The next person "cleaned" out their fridge this week

the next person thinks there needs to more lawyers
Sure why not, the more the merrier. :tongue:

The next person has never been to the circus
false, been to the ones with the animals AND the blackjack tables

the next person has cowboy boots
not this year

the next person can see dead people