True or False game


tnp can't wait til pegging the legs of their jeans comes back in style
JMB27 said:
False but I would love to rear end slow people everyday

JMB...I hope your were talking about your car/driving :eek: Is this allowed on Spoofee??? :theyareon

False...I like the relaxed fit

The next person missed her sole sista ;)
true! i've been subbing ALL week, plus doing homework like a madwoman! just this month, i'll be writing 4 x 750 word essays, 2 x 1000 word essays, 1 x 3000 word essay, minimum of 8 x 120 word discussion board posts, plus videotape myself giving a lesson to English Language Learner students and writing a full lesson plan to go along with it. they keep me a little busy at national university!!!

tnp hates missing out on spoofee discussions, even for a day
True-and I'm writin' the essays too clubby:(

tnp has never missed a day on spoofee since they joined
False - I was on a mini-vacation yesterday and the day before (no computer access)

TNP has been on a cruise.
False but we are making plans for the summer after that

tnp Travels at Christmas time
True, the day after Christmas. We will be going to visit some friends in SC that we met online playing an RPG. (Don't worry, they are not crazy, we have been down there already.) ;) (maybe we are crazy...) LOL

TNP will stand in line all night for a Black Friday special.
Preco, I should have know you would have twisted it into something dehawkish, you two are alot alike ya know.

False nothing is worth standing in line all night for

TNP saves all year for black friday
Possibly true at least for a quick drop in.

TNP is not going to be here tonight.
False I live here ;)

The next person is going to the friday night thread tonight
Probably-as long as a few others show up (it's chat night!!):)

tnp likes to chat
True even though I can't keep up with everyone else

TNP is drinking tonight
False well most likely false

The next person has never had an alcoholic drink before
False. Would like to sleep. :yawn:

TNP can't wait to relax this weekend.
True, I just hope I get the opportunity to relax!

TNP is going to do an outdoor activity this weekend
callmeCrazyButt said:
The next person is going to have nice weather where they live

When? Forever? For the next year? Uh. False.;) ;) ;)

TNP has big weekend plans.