True or False game

false...I like the country. Grew up in the country and like the peacefulness of it.

EDIT...Spazntwitch beat me so I will answer his....false, dont like peaches and cream.

TNP lives on more than 1 acre of land...
False grew up in the country where my parents have 8 acres of woods though

The next person wants more land/yard
True...we bought a piece of land that has 10 acres and we are almost finished building our new home. :)

TNP waved goodbye to their children when they got on the bus this morning...
False, I did a drive by this morning and punted all 3 out the door. :p (We're just shy of getting the school bus :( )

**New home - congrats, be sure to post some pics!**

The next person has a vegetable garden
false. i'm too impatient. fortunately, the central valley is known for their agriculture, so we have fruit and veggie stands galore!

tnp has a lot of houseplants cousin's friends' kids know his son in FL...they're not allowed over their house.....I wonder why...:rolleyes: *shakes head* Our justice system at it's best :rolleyes:

The next person was not surprised with the latest JonBenet fiasco...

TNP couldn't care less about the latest JonBenet fiasco.

tnp was a fan of the crocodile hunter

tnp is scared of the dark :bat:
Sometimes- if I'm all alone and it's a creepy night

tnp has caught a lightning bug recently
false. haven't seen one in years :( btw, we call 'em fireflies on this side of the country ;)

tnp has TONS of saved up "rollover minutes"
False, I have a prepaid phone ( which kinda sucks )

The next person has clothes in their closet over 5 years old.
True, but they dont fit ;)

TNP is saving those "old" clothes until they fit in them again :)