So What's The Deal????? **another game**

I'm most proud of my three boys. They are such good kids and do very well in school. :proud:

What is your biggest accomplishment?
Joyce, you can probably guess this one! My son, if you can count giving birth as an accomplishment! :proud:

Do you make New Year's resolutions?
Yes, but I never seem to keep them! LOL

Do you remember your favorite children's book? I still love the Amelia Bedelia & Curious George books! :)
I liked Amelia Bedelia too, altho never a huge fan of Curious George. I liked Tintin and Asterix comics, all kinds of fairy tales,...

What would you really like for Christmas?
For my son to be able to spend time with his father.

What is one thing you regret?
I hope you get your wish, daesmommy! BTW, your baby is adorable.

What I regret...missing the SJP Body Butter freebie! :)

If you could choose your age, how old would you be?
I hope you get your wish, daesmommy! BTW, your baby is adorable

Thank you. And he's such a good child too. I hope I get that wish too, however that would involve his dad not being selfish and irresponsible. DaeShon will be 2 in March. His dad has only seen him 5 times since he was born. And to think, I spent 7 1/2 year with him. Makes me sick.
I'm sorry to hear about your baby's father...
DaeShon is v. cute.
If I could take all my knowledge with me I would go back to 18 LOL

What is your favorite board game?
Hey, d-mom.. If his dad is such a ... well, I dont want to say anything.. But maybe you should be grateful that those attitudes and irresponibilities arent rubbing off on DaeShon. Chances are he'll grow up to be a better man than his dad is being.


When did you last play a board game?

Theres nothing off limits about that question, Drifa. Whats your problem?

I played a bored game just an hour ago.

What was the absolutley worst actor in your favorite movie? (and what was the movie)
Keanu Reeves in "Much Ado About Nothing". What were they thinking???? The only time in my life I have ever had the urge to put the word "Dude" after a Shakespearean soliloquy!

Who is your favorite author?
Tough decision on that question ravenwytch. I have several favorites Nora Roberts, Beverly Lewis, Wanda Brunstetter, Cindy Woodsmall, Tamera Alexander, Debbie Macomber and a few more.

What is your favorite tv show?
I don't watch much TV, but I was enjoying "Big Love" last year.

Do you consider cable a necessity?
HBO......Sopranos, Sex and the City, Rome, Big Love, what can I say!

Who is your favorite female actor?
Lord of the Rings was it for a while, not sure right now.

How many siblings do you have and are you close to them?
I have one real brother, and 5 step brothers. I am not close to my real brother at all, in fact I have no clue where he is, whether he is living or dead (his wife chose that for him), I have one step brother that I am close to and his brother I talk to on rare occassions (dad's side of the family). Mom's side of the family, the oldest step brother I probably would not know him if I saw him because I have not seen him in a few years, the middle step brother I talk to sometimes, and the youngest step brother I have met once. I feel like an only child, as well as being the youngest out of the seven of us.

How much time do you spend on the internet daily?