So What's The Deal????? **another game**

Anything that isn't slippery when wet.

What is/was your favrorite cartoon?
Bugs Bunny...the ones that included Gossamer (hairy, orange monster)

Who is your favorite Loony Tunes Character?
Yes...Ole Gillagan before he was , well, gillagan!

Have you seen McCale's Navy?
Yeah...They're cousins! Identical cousins!
So Funny!!

Have you seen My Mother, The Car?
I have never seen any of the movies/people you all are talking about......

Who's your favorite movie star?
Major Payne...:rofl: My husband thinks it's stupid, but I love it!

If you could go anywhere in the world for a vacation, where would it be and why?
Antarctic! because i'm one of the weird ones who loves the cold and snow. and to see the penguins! :)

What is the strangest talent you have?
I can put my legs behind my neck...if you call that a talent!

When you sing, do you stay on key?
Most men would call it a talent, rhonda. lol.

I sing on key. For the most part.

Do you like Stilton or Roquefort better?
I would post a picture, but can't with my old computer! Isn't very attractive, except to all you pervs! LOL