So What's The Deal????? **another game**

My son watches the kids shows on PBS, but I don't really watch much tv.

Can you play any instruments?
lol I dont know what that means....but I sing all the time.

What about dancing? Do you dance?
Yes, I dance.......just a bit out of commission right now.

*"Far, far away" - play on words - a name of a tune or at distance to which I will not hear you sing...;)*

When you put on socks & what order do you put them on? (i.e. sock, sock, shoe, shoe? sock, shoe, sock, shoe? right first, left first?)
right sock, left sock, right shoe, left shoe.

:hmmmm2: had to think about that one.

What about your shirts?

head then sleeves
sleeves then head
sleeve head sleeve (is this one possible?)
Sleeves, then head..

For button down shirts, do you open all the buttons, then button up? only unbutton the top few and over the head (head first & then sleeves or sleeves & head :p ) ? or another way?
don't wear a lot of button down shirts but I usually open all the buttons and start at the bottom.

Do you dress first and then do you hair and makeup or other way around?
Usually dress first on a regular day, if it's for an occasion then makeup & hair first.

What was the last occasion you 'dressed up' for?
Went out for lunch with some friends from work yesterday so I dressed up a bit.

Do you wear makeup everyday?
Usually the bedroom or the laundry room. :tongue:

Do you put clothes in the dryer to get out the wrinkles?
yes. along with something damp to help steam them out.

Do you have more than one phone line in your home?
no i dont have any- just a cell

do you still have a corded phone?