So What's The Deal????? **another game**

With or without my platform shoes?:tongue:

Is the weather nasty where you are at?
I'd rather play it than watch it.

Do you wear sweatshirts much?
In the winter, yes...I have a hoodie on right now!!

Do you wear colorful socks?
when i wear them-i usually wear sandals and flip-flops all year so my socks never match when i do

do you like to snow ski
I have never went skiing....would love to though.

Do you go sledding?
went once on my senior class trip- it was really fun!

Do you think Michael Jordan is still the best basketball player that ever lived?
I'm not really a boot person so....plain black w/ a two inch chunky heel.

How many pairs of boots do you own?
only one, I don't like boots much either

What color is the comforter on your bed?
I'm not sure, but maybe 5?

Did you stay away from temptation or eat a LOT today?
a happy medium. Ate some good food (hubby made pb cheesecake :druel:) and I am not overstuffed.

are you right or left handed?
LOL are you kidding? Plan ahead!!!!

Super Bowl or NBA playoffs or World Series?