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  • Joyce I got this when i tried to pm you! :cry:

    JoyceHarkless has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space.
    Yeah, she can't even complete a mission. LOL
    I'll have a drink for her as well. What's your poison?? I think I'm going to have a White Russian.
    So dbee is picking me up and the you. We might as well stay for a visit because K-Ma will be in Texa$$. We can get her after her return.
    I haven't been on here much. I'm glad you are feeling better though.
    I've got one question for you, dbee and K-ma, shouldn't we be there by now???? LOL
    Hey Joyce!!! U were sick? omg!!! i hope ur better!!! i feel bad, i didnt even kno u were sick, hope it was sumthin small, u kno, wen im done skool i can take care of u!!! lol

    well im here for a lil bit.. r u playin the games? im on my way!! lol
    Good to hear! :yawn: I hope that I will be back tomorrow, and I hope to see you around more often. :hug: so nice that you are back :kiss:
    I was worried, but I really haven't been around either. :( I hope that you are feeling good and that your Mom is doing well :)
    OMG! I was wondering about u. I hope that everything is okay now. I have definitely missed u around here. I hope u continue to feel better! :hug:
    I just sent Butty a note....I think we should go for a glamorous Charlie's Angels type of look - - - whaddya think?
    Hi joyce, Jus checkin in wit cha!!
    Hope ur doin well!! Skool is goin gr8!! I passed my last class with an 88, so my gpa will prolly slip 2 3.9, but im bring it back up. I stil have perfect attendance tho!!! yay!!! lol I'm off to NY 4 the weekend. I hope u have a wonderful weekend Joyce!! I'll prolly pop in & out to play the games once I get there!!!!
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