Windows Media Player 11 beta

Billy Gates said:
There is no download available for this operating system. To get Windows Media Player 10, please go to Windows Update and install Windows Server 2003 SP1 or later.
No luck for me. *sigh*
Yeah, that's what happens when I get Server 2k3.
Waxedstrong said:
It sure runs slow.

Ran fine for me... what's you system's specs?
I'm running a 3GHz P4 TH with 2 Gigs of RAM... sorry ;)
This is gonna be so cool. i wonder if they have added any new designs for when you listen to music.
i totally uninstalled my windows media classic player rocks!!!
To be honest, I use Media Player Classic for 99% of my videos, WinDVD for my DVDs, & WinAmp for my audio.
What is GPL?

Is that like GNU?
-Please elaborate...('cause i'm still a bit of a n00b.) Thanks
Great! The philosophy link was realy helpful. Thanks